Thursday, May 6, 2010

our fun week

We've had a busy week with visitors and Hayden's blessing. I am finally getting a chance to blog about it all. Here is Taylor being a princess. She doesn't know what to think of the boa :) We are so close to being done on the kids little play room. All that needs to be done is the crown molding around the chalkboards and another toy net put in the corner. Don't ask me what Tyson is drawing, I do believe he said it was some sort of monster with a ton of arms.

On Saturday Tyson had Grandma and Grandpa DeMille and Grandma Brenda at his t-ball game.

During the last inning Grandpa helped Tyson out in the field and on the last play of the game Tyson actually ran after the ball and threw it in.
Grandma DeMille was making Hayden's slip for her blessing dress and Tyson was her big helper.
You've got to love kids, I figure this is how my family pictures will look for some time to come. Honestly, this was the best one!
On Monday we took Grandma DeMille to the strip we saw the lion cubs at the MGM. It was feeding time and we got to see the lions up close.

We also ate at the Rainforest Cafe. We had never been and it was really fun. GREAT food!
Darrell is really having a good time but I forgot to tell him to smile for the camera.
Here is Tyson's face when the thunder storm started. He was really scared until he realised the animals were robots and then he was fine.
Here is Taylor's face when the thunder storm was going on. Not too amused :)
Grandma and Hayden
We also went through the M & M factory.
The wall of M & M's had to be our favorite!
Yesterday Grandma and I took the kids to the Fashion Show mall and got bears at Build-a-Bear. The kids had a blast!

Tyson picked out a fireman outfit for his bear.
Taylor got a ballerina bear.

We had such a fun time visiting with friends and family I wish I could post all the pictures from our week. Thanks everyone who came to and helped with Hayden's blessing. We love you!!


  1. Looks like a busy week! So glad you found a Build A Bear- how fun!

  2. Grandma DeMille had a wonderful time, can't wait to come back!!!

  3. Wow! You guys are busy! The picture with Taylor and the boa cracks me up. I love the chalkboard paint in the playroom!

  4. love your family pic, you all look so great and Hayden is so beautiful in her dress. Looked like a really fun week.

  5. Man that was a busy week. I am just exhausted reading about it! You are such a trooper with having 3 young kids! I am not a fan of Rain Forest Cafe...But the atmosphere is cool!
    The playroom looks cool and I am jealous! I still need to come see your house!!!

  6. Kellie I do not know how you stay this busy and don't collapse! I am loving that chalkboard wall.

  7. Your playroom is awesome, we need one here... oh I guess it's our living room! I love the chalk board idea. You should take pictures of the whole thing when it's all done. Did Tyson have reflux or something else? It is pretty hard when they just cry a lot! Now that I know he is doing it because he is in pain and not just to spite me makes me a little more patient with him though!
