Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Tigers 1st game

Taylor & Hayden had their first t-ball game last week.  It was super fun.
 Here are the girls warming up.
 Hayden is a wild child and can attack the dog, and has even attacked a speech therapist at her preschool.  The problem is in baseball she is all girl.  If only I could harness all of her aggression and put it into baseball.  She is an enigma this girl, crazy girly but I had to stop her several times from eating dirt. Let's just say it is always an adventure :)
 Taylor has an arm on her so we had to push her back for Hayden's safety.
 Gotta love Jonas, he had to be told many times to put the bat on the ground and then had a meltdown after the first inning.  He cried the entire next inning.  Good times :)
 Taylor got the game ball for her "huge hits" and for getting an out at first base.  She slept with that ball that night and was so proud!
Yeah for baseball!!!!


  1. I hope you continue to post about Jonas. The stories brighten my day. Good job Taylor! She is one talented little chica.

  2. How cute are they in those it!
