Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas 2010

Christmas!!! Finally I am blogging about it.  A week late but here they are nevertheless :)   
Hayden has the craziest hair right now.  It sticks out all over.  I can't wait til it gets long enough to do things with.
Here are Christmas Eve PJ's.  Thanks Grandma and Grandpa DeMille.
Christmas morning!!!  The present bonanza!  Don't you just love Christmas morning?  It's just the most awesome morning of the entire year!  As a kid it's the presents and the Santa excitement, then when you're an adult it's the culmination of all your hard work.  I love it!!  Look at those faces!
Tyson was hilarious this year!  He opens his first gift and didn't know what to do with it.  He states, "This wasn't on my list".  We convinced him he could keep it even though it wasn't on his list.  He was so serious about his Christmas wish list.  He asked for tons of legos!
When we weren't laughing about Tyson's seriousness, we were dying over Hayden's excitement!  She got a mini kitchen that sings and when the song is turned on she sits and waves her arms like crazy.  It made her so happy, I have to give myself a big pat on the back for that purchase :)

Nickel of course was in the middle of everything.  She just turned 6 years old!  We can't believe it, we thought for sure we would have killed her by now, especially after she ate Jason's ipod, or the time she chewed up our visitors digital camera, or the time she jumped over the back fence and we were driving the streets looking for her after I think I am going to be applying for sainthood soon just for not killing that dang dog :)
Taylor got a laptop from Grandma and Hayden loved her busy ball.
Taylor is such a girly girl and she got tons of jewelery for Christmas.  She loved opening presents and was so excited for princess gifts, shoes, and chapstick!
I could not resist getting the girls matching outfits.  Aren't they the cutest?
Hayden's official first word is "Go".  She says it everytime the dog comes around.  I guess we say it a little too much to poor old Nickel.  Hayden LOVES the dog!  I complain about how annoying the dog is but I love that the kids are growing up with an animal. 
Princess Taylor.  I love that the kids will wear whatever craziness I put them in.  Taylor got a ballerina outfit and Tyson got a soldier and fireman outfit.
Isn't she a doll?  Grandma DeMille sent these darling hair poofs.
Christmas was pretty low key this year.  We had just the family, guys and Grandma here.  We opened gifts had a wonderful breakfast made by Jason and then went to a movie.  I really tried to enjoy how excited the kids were this year.  I love how excited they got over their gifts and how fun it has been to do all the great holiday traditions with them.  I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!!!


  1. Cute! You can go to the movies with Hayden? Impressed!
    Looks like everyone had a great day!

  2. Christmas morning is the best! When I was growing up we always went to a movie on Christmas Day, but I have yet to continue the tradition with my kids. Maybe next year!

  3. The kids look SO adorable in their Christmas outfits, great picture of them. Christmas looked like a fantastic day. All the pictures were WAY cute!!
