Thursday, June 2, 2011

DeMille Family Reunion

We went to the DeMille family reunion over the Memorial Day weekend.  Be warned there are like a million pictures on this post!  Enjoy :)
Here is our family with Grandma and Grandpa DeMille and Great Grandma DeMille.
Jason and his Uncle Brent getting the fishing poles all ready to fish.
Grandpa DeMille cooking up the best bacon and sausage.  (Thanks Brandon & Darcie)
Nothing beats hot chocolate on a cold camping morning!
Tyson's first time fishing.
Taylor, I mean Mom fishing with a stylish Barbie fishing pole.
You've got to love a man who can rock a pink fishing pole.
Hayden being the camping diva she is.
Tyson devoured this cupcake and sported a nice blue moustache the rest of the day.
Grandma brought all these fun crafts for the kids to make.
Aren't they adorable?  Everyone was watching a heated game of horseshoes between Grandpa and his brothers.
Hayden my doll :)
The girls had a few troubles taking naps and sleeping at night so we took them on a walk.  They both knocked out in less than 5 minutes.  We walked them back to the tent and put the whole stroller inside and zipped it up.  They slept in the stroller for over an hour.  Probably the most peaceful hour we had while camping!
Tyson didn't have anyone his age to play with so he became Garrett's shadow.  Garrett is so awesome he didn't mind one bit.
Sunday was so cold!  A few brave souls went to church at the Pine Valley ward when they came back they told us there was a 70% chance of snow.  So we decided to leave Sunday to try to beat the snow.
Sarah brought tons of things for the kids to do and kept them entertained.

Hayden still won't walk but she does like pushing things all over the place, she found this chair and walked it all over the cabin. 
Hayden decided this was a fun game of knocking the kid horseshoes off the ledge, but then...
...would have a melt down when she couldn't get them.
Grandma & Grandpa finally getting a rare moment to relax.
Hayden being a nut.
And then the snow started to fall.  We ate lunch and then got the heck out of lovely Pine Valley.  It was a fun reunion and nice to see all of Jason's family and catch up on what they are all doing.  Til next year :)


  1. nice recap! it was great seeing you guys!

  2. Where did you guys go? Looks like fun!

  3. It was so good seeing you last night!

    You are a trooper camping with 3 small children. The lack of sleep alone would have done me in.

  4. This has been so fun seeing all your pictures! The reunion looked like ALOT of fun I LOVE the picture of Grandma and Grandpa DeMille- towards the end. Can you email me that- Also- by chance did you get a picture of just Grandma Knight? I'm making a family book and need one of just her. thanks!!
